Thursday, April 29, 2010

Atlanta's air quality: Better, but still bad

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Metro Atlanta's air quality has improved but still ranks among the worst in the nation, a new report shows.

The American Lung Association's annual "State of the Air" report found Atlanta had its lowest year-round particle pollution and better ozone levels than last year. But the metro area still ranked 16th worst for particle pollution and 19th worst for ozone.

"Georgia's grades in the State of the Air 2010 report, while still at unhealthy levels in some areas, show improvement from previous years and demonstrate that efforts to clean our air do work," said June Deen, director of advocacy for the American Lung Association in Georgia.

The report found that a decade of cleanup measures, reduction in emissions from coal-fired power plants, and the transition to cleaner diesel fuels and engines have paid off in cutting levels of deadly particle and ozone pollution, especially in the East and Midwest.

"Air pollution remains a serious threat to our nation's health," Deen said. "We can all do more for healthy air. Driving less, not burning wood or trash, and using less electricity are all steps we can take to improve the air we breathe."

Saturday, May 1 marks the start of smog season. Ground-level ozone is more likely to form in warmer months, negatively affecting air quality and human health.

"It may seem like one person can't affect something as large as air pollution, but every small change that Georgians make adds up fast," said Kevin Green, executive director of the Clean Air Campaign. "Breathing is not optional. It's estimated that half of all smog-forming emissions come from tailpipes, so for every car we take off the road, we're one step closer to healthier air."

Tighter federal air quality standards could arrive later this year.

Throughout smog season, the Clean Air Campaign will warn the public of dangerous smoglevels using its color-coded alert system.

For information on smog and ways to reduce it, log on to

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pollen and Spring Cleaning - Air Duct Cleaning is a most .

Extraordinary cold seasons around US has lead to an all time high in pollen this season. Southeast is one of the most horrible affected places with a yellow haze of pollen, hanging in the region persistently.

Usually a pollen calculation of 120 is measured high. This year it has increased up to 5,733 in Atlanta the previous week. This is the second-highest level on record, as per The Weather Channel. The evidenced dips in temperatures the preceding winter in Georgia and Florida is said to have postponed the total pollination procedure and this also means that this pollen surplus will last till early next month. Some parts of Arkansas, Raleigh, N. C, Texas, and Chicago are badly affected. For all the asthma patients, it is a real tough time to fight because pollen tends to make them breathless.

Pollen fog spells sneezes and allergies in many of the populace. As per the Allergy Specialist, Stanley Fineman at the Atlanta Allergy and Asthma Clinic, the number of patients who are allergic to tree pollen has increased enormously.